I get what I deserve

You walk through the rain, you walk through the snow, you are bone-deep cold and soaked to the skin. You let everything hit you because it’s what you think you deserve.

You are still bone deep cold and soaked to the skin.

I. Deserve. Better.

Statement made, you bow your head into the storm, and plant your feet.


Achilles had his heel.

Samson had his hair.

Ahab had his whale

And on and on and on…

There are Heroes where I work, and then there are “Heroes”. The only difference between the two? The ones in quotation marks take the credit from those that aren’t.

“Heroes” fall.

Heroes remain.


Because true Heroes don’t suffer from hubris.

This video is old (early 80’s wow old) But it reminded me of two things. 1-Gods above I’d forgotten how much I liked this band even before they got popular; 2- Nope. Won’t feel bad at all.